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  • "Casa Sanremo 2024" , the success in large numbers

    Luca Stardero
    The success in large numbers confirms the centrality of the hospitality area of the Italian Song Festival: 6,024 passes, 580 live performances, 88 book presentations, 220 hours of television production. The dates for next year have already been announced: from 25 January to 8 February 2025, two weeks of unmissable...
  • kooperativen Lernens 2

    Dott. Francesco Pace
    ...Slavin und Mitarbeiter, Förderer einer Gruppenarbeitsmodalität, die einst Student Team Learning und nun Success for All hieß, haben die von D. DeVries und K. Edwards an der Johns Hopkins University begonnene Arbeit fortgesetzt und erweitert.
  • Men & Rings!

    Marc Mühleis
    ...break-through in business. A ring which helps us to survive our first divorce. A ring, reminds us of our first successfull genetic reproduction. Or, we just buy a ring, because the beauty of yesterday night let us enjoy her body and the body of her hot girlfriend. To wear such...
  • Die Kathedrale von Friedrich II

    Dott. Francesco Pace
    Intorno al 1560 fu eretta la torre campanaria successivamente furono aggiunte le cuspidi. La Torre dell'orologio in stile neo-gotico fu realizzata nel 185. Di notevole pregio è il portale del XIV-XV secolo, il rosone trecentesco a 15 raggi con archetti terminali entro triplice ghiera riccamente scolpita con al centro il...
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